
Girish Agarwal

Girish S. Agarwal received his PhD from the University of Rochester, USA. He is currently a University Distinguished Professor at the Texas A&M University. He is an authority on Quantum Optics having published two books on the subject. He is a Fellow of The Royal Society, UK; OPTICA [ formerly optical society of America], the American Physical Society, the Indian National Science Academy, and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). His work has been recognized by the OPTICA’s Max Born Award and the C. H. Townes Medal, the TWAS Award in Physics, and the Humboldt Research Award.

Warwick Bowen

Prof Bowen's research focuses on the implications of quantum science on precision measurement, and applications of quantum measurement in areas ranging from quantum condensed matter physics to the biosciences. He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics and Director of the Australian Centre of Excellence in Quantum Biotechnology. Prof Bowen's research is supported by the Australian Research Council, the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Lockheed Martin, the US Army Research Office, and the Australian Defence Science and Technology Group.

Robert Boyd progress...

Edoardo Charbon

Edoardo Charbon received the Diploma from ETH Zurich, the M.S. from UC San Diego, and the Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in 1988, 1991, and 1995, respectively, all in electrical engineering and EECS. He spent 7 years in Silicon Valley as an engineer and entrepreneur. In 2002 he joined the faculty of EPFL, where is a full professor. From 2008 to 2016 he was with Delft University of Technology’s as Chair of VLSI design. Dr. Charbon has been the driving force behind the creation of deep-submicron CMOS SPAD technology, which is mass-produced since 2015 and is present in telemeters, proximity sensors, and medical diagnostics tools. [...]

Maria Chekhova

Maria Chekhova obtained PhD and habilitation degrees at the Lomonosov University (Moscow) and stayed there until 2009. Since 2009 she is at Max-Planck Institute (Erlangen), since 2020 part-time at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, since 2022 an Optica fellow. Her research area is generation and application of nonclassical light. Most important results include: polarization optics of biphotons, fiber spectroscopy of biphotons, study and application of bright squeezed vacuum, nonlinear interferometry of parametric down-conversion, and nanoscale generation of entangled photons. She authored more than 250 scientific papers and a book ‘Polarization of Light’.

Mirco Kutas

Mirco Kutas studied physics at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, where he focused on the experimental implementation of quantum sensing in the terahertz spectral range during his diploma studies. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics in Kaiserslautern, where he is working on quantum-based measurement principles e.g. spectroscopy and imaging with undetected photons in the terahertz frequency range.

Alexander Lvovsky

Alexander Lvovsky is an experimental physicist. He was born and raised in Moscow and did his undergraduate in Physics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In 1993, he became a graduate student in Physics at Columbia University in New York City. His thesis research, conducted under the supervision of Dr. Sven R. Hartmann, was in the field of coherent optical transients in atomic gases. After completing his Ph. D. in 1998, he spent a year at the University of California, Berkeley as a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Physics, and then five years at Universität Konstanz in Germany […]

Yasuyuki Ozeki

Yasuyuki Ozeki received his Dr. Eng. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 2004. After he worked at Furukawa Electric, he joined Osaka University in 2006 as an assistant professor. He became an associate professor at the University of Tokyo in 2013, and a full professor in 2021. His research covered millimeter-wave photonics, nonlinear fiber optics, ultrafast lasers, and their applications to microprocessing and biomedical microscopy. He has been working on biomedical microscopy using stimulated Raman scattering and its quantum enhancement.

Roman Schnabel

Roman Schnabel received his doctorate in atomic spectroscopy in 1999 and was a Feodor Lynen Research Fellow at the Australian National University in Canberra, where he worked on quantum teleportation. From 2003 to 2014, he was (junior) professor at Leibniz Universität Hannover and pioneered the squeezed light technology. Since 2014, he has been working at the University of Hamburg, at the Institute of Quantum Physics. His research interests include the concept and applications of optical quantum technologies. He is co-founder of Noisy-Labs GmbH, member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) and the Academy of Sciences in Hamburg. His awards and honors include the APS 2013 Joseph F. Keithley Award.

Shigeki Takeuchi

Shigeki Takeuchi has been a Professor at the Department of Electronic Science and Engineering at Kyoto University since 2014. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. from Kyoto University in 1993 and 2000. He became a researcher at Mitsubishi Electric Co. in 1993 and a Lecturer, Associate Professor, and Professor at RIES, Hokkaido University in 1999, 2000, and 2007, respectively. He has received several awards, including the JSPS Prize (2010), JSAP Takuma Award (2016), and OITDA Kenjiro Sakurai Memorial Award (2024). His interest lies in understanding and controlling photons for quantum technologies.

Andrew White

Andrew was raised in a Queensland dairy town, before heading south to Brisbane to study chemistry, maths, physics and—during World Expo—the effects of alcohol on uni students from around the world. Deciding he wanted to know what the cold felt like, for his PhD he first moved to Canberra, then Germany, before postdocing at Los Alamos National Labs in New Mexico—where he quickly discovered that there is more than enough snow to hide a cactus, but not nearly enough to prevent amusing your friends when you sit down. He is currently exploring and exploiting the full range of quantum behaviours with an eye to engineering new technologies and scientific applications.

And even more to come, stay tuned!…